People who watch forensic and crime dramas on TV are more likely than non-viewers to have a distorted perception of America’s criminal justice system, according […]
OBESITY LINKED TO FEWER NEIGHBORHOOD FOOD OPTIONS Contrary to what you might believe, living near a variety of restaurants, convenience stores, supermarkets and even fast […]
Exercise can help smokers quit because it makes cigarettes less attractive. A new study from the University of Exeter shows for the first time that […]
People are unconsciously fairer and more generous when they are in clean-smelling environments, according to a soon-to-be published study led by a Brigham Young University […]
Parents have long lectured their children about the mind-numbing effects of playing video games all day. And a new Iowa State University study has found […]
Ohio State University After a period of relative calm during the 1990s, rapid changes in American families began anew during the 2000s, a new analysis […]