Quantitative research offers the data and numerically derived insights to make decisions with confidence.

SMARI ensures the data is representative of the target allowing for sound judgment. Our team designs an analytical plan to uncover the needle in the haystack, whether for a large mass of consumers or a specific target.

SMARI strives to stay ahead of emerging trends in technology, tracking customer activity, conducting analyses on representative samples, and leveraging Big Data to make it understandable and actionable for our clients.

Quantitative Methods at SMARI

Web-Based Surveys

Ideal for reaching a large geography, monitoring quotas, and offers the most cost efficient data collection. Respondents are sent an email with an embedded hyperlink asking them to participate in the survey. Surveys are optimized for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. Advances in survey programming allow for dynamic, interactive surveys to enhance respondent engagement.

Phone Interviews

Ideal for reaching an older demographic, a tough audience, or a narrow geography where emails are scarce and costly to obtain. Our in-house call center interviewers are professionally trained to guide a respondent through surveys optimized for a phone interview.

Mobile Surveys

Surveys use adaptive and responsive mobile technology to be ideal for quick smartphone completion. Mobile surveys can also be optimized for in-the-moment insights straight from the consumer.

Mail Surveys

Mail surveys can be a good way to reach certain audiences. Success also depends on corporate structure and product category. The surveys are designed, printed, and dispersed through SMARI, and can be used to reach consumers without contact information limited to an address.


Can be the ideal method to bring customers in for observational research. This method allows the moderator to pick and manage demographics in real time. This approach can also leverage space in a mall to observe customers using a product and providing feedback.

Big Data Analytics

A customer database can be analyzed to predict future behavior given actual customer data records. Nonetheless, further methods are needed to understand the “why” behind this behavior. Predictive analytics can also uncover customers likely to be lost, product purchases and future behaviors.